Premier League Quiz: 1992-2002

How much can you remember about the era between the inaugural 1992/93 season and 2001/02? Well, let’s have a little recap…

22 teams kicked off the first Premier League season. The Premiership - as it was called from 1993 through to 2001 - was cut to 20 teams after three seasons and during its first decade 10,601 goals were scored - Brian Deane with the first, Paul Telfer with the last.

There were glances to the future during the decade - Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard made their Premier League bows - but also nods to the past…Manchester City goalkeeper John Burridge was playing league football back in the 1960s.

Arsenal had three players in France’s World Cup winning squad in 1998 with manager Arsene Wenger changing the face of football in England following his arrival from Japan.